Monday, December 24, 2012

Backtracking on xmas Part II

Sorry about that :)

Day 4: Make Hot Cocoa

Its safe to say, this is always a favorite.  Especially since I let them have as many "marshmeddows" as they want.

Day 8: Meet Santa!!!

The squadron always throws a keiki christmas party that is a huge hit.  There are crafts, coloring, cookie decorating, food and drinks, and of course SANTA!

Alex was still a little shy but that didn't stop her from running up and jumping on his lap.  Alex didn't ask for anything because she was really confused why he would give her a book and then ask her what she wants, "But I have a new book! See!" while she shoves it in his face.  Beau asked for "A pink unicorn with a yellow beautiful hair, and a rainbow on her back. A PINK ONE!"  I really would have appreciated Santa helping out by saying no. I had to break it to her later that Santa cant give away magical creatures, they have to stay free.

This year he left riding out on his convertible, only after talking to ALL the kids.  Its so nice to have kids at the age where they are thrilled to see him and even happier to sit on his lap.  No more screaming and crying for us :)

Day 12: Go to a Christmas Party

Its school christmas party day so that made it easy for me!  I didn't get to go to Beau's party so no pics but Alex had a blast at hers :)

 Of course, as long as there is frosting involved, this kid is pretty easy to please.

Day 15: Deliver gifts to friends

Every year we deliver our toffee and christmas cards to our neighbor friends.  Who wouldn't love to receive anything from these 2 elves?!

Day 16: Movie and Popcorn night!

I made magical christmas popcorn, huge family secret (shh, its got sugar in it).  Sam doesn't like sweet popcorn so I had to make salty too, fine by me because I like both!  This is always a favorite night for all :)

Day 18:  Look at the Christmas lights!

This is MY favorite night!  I just love walking around the neighborhood with my happy little family and looking at lights!  I would do it every night if we could :)

I love these little monkeys.  They warm my heart everyday.

Day 19:  Lets go to the Movies!!!

When Beau reads this in the advent calendar she always jumps up and down.  These girls love going to the movies!  We went to see Rise of the Guardians and they got to pick their candy.  Popcorn, candy, mini corndogs, coke, AND a cartoon.  Can it get any better?!

PS, alex saw this pic and said, "why am I a doctor? Why do's I have a doctor coat?" Ha!

Day 22: Make a Gingerbread House!

I am not a fan of gingerbread house day.  The girls love it but they always cry when I throw the remains away.  I am not going to keep a sugar house just lying around to attract bugs so I just let them decorate and eat at the same time, after they are starting to vibrate from the sugar high I toss it all.  Then comes the tears, then comes the guilt gifts.  Its never fun for long.  This year was no different.

Step 1:
Mom divides the candy, all smiles :) 
PS, prebuilt gingerbread house, GENIUS!

Step 2:
Mom pipes all the icing and they start to decorate, still happy

Step 3:
They finish decorating and admire their beautiful creation, happy girls

Step 4:
Start eating, very happy girls!

Step 5: When all the candy is gone and they have started gnawing on the corners of the roof, mom steps in and throws it all away.  No pictures because its not a pretty sight.

Step 6: Tantrums ensue.

Step 7: Someone cries themselves to sleep.

Step 8: Someone makes mommy feel guilty and horrible.

child brings out the quivering bottom lip, "Mommy. When you frew away my gingabead house it make me very sad!"
mom sniffles away the beginnings of tears, "Oh. My. God.  I am going to go buy you some gingerbread cookies!  Ok?!"

Step 9: Mom rushes into pre christmas shopping mayhem for store bought cookies.

Step 10: Girls are happy.  Mommy is tired.

Step 11: Repeat in 2013

Day 23:  Christmas Waffles!

Last year I made read and green waffles.  This year I wasn't quite as motivated so I just made red waffles.  No one was happy about this, at least until I placed a plate of syrup drenched waffles in from of them.

I think they like it :)

Thats all!  Today is Day 24 so that will be a separate post.  Any days I didn't mention here are due to no pictures or it was just a book or candy day.  There was "Lets go to the Pool" day, "Have a christmas Playdate" day, and "Deliver Cookies to Daddy's Work" day that I'm really upset I didn't get any pictures.  Maybe that should be my New Years resolution, to take more pictures...hmmm, I think I like that idea!

Oh, and there MAY have even been a day when lumps of coal were placed in the advent calendar, but then at the last minute I changed my mind and put candy in.  I'm such a sucker.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I vote for 365 days instead of just 25 days of Christmas. This stuff is hilarious!!