A little bit more about me

"Mom is Only My First Name" is a pretty good way to describe me.  Being a mom means becoming a jack-of-all-trades type of person...which I am not, but I'm learning.

Long before I met and married my husband I knew I wanted to be a mom, and I knew it was hard work.  Being the oldest of 3 kids I learned to help out around the house at a young age, and it became part of who I am.  I was already used to taking care of a house and a pet and the usual odds and ends after I got married... I had no idea how many more things I had to learn once I became a mom...

Mom, Maid, Chef, Air Force Spouse, Interior Designer, Handyman, Taxi Driver, Nanny, Gardener, Missing Shoe Locator, Web Administrator, Librarian, Coupon Clipper, Recycling Consultant, Window Washer, Doctor, Vet, Photographer, Baker, Event Coordinator, Hair Stylist, Pedicurist, Boo Boo Kisser, Shoulder to Cry On, Disciplinarian, Referee, Entertainer, Dragon Slayer...

The list goes on and on, I wont bore you anymore.  I will just say that I love taking care of my family.

My family.  What can I say about us, the 4 of us.  We are a military family, jet setting around the world, moving every few years and even being Ok with that.  My husband is a wonderful man and a pilot in the Air Force and he LOVES his job.  So we willing follow his every step.  He and I are made for each other, I wouldn't be half the woman I am if I didn't have him in my life.  He makes my heart jump as much today as he did 10 years ago.  We have a wonderful relationship that is the perfect mix of friendship, respect and passion.  We love to joke around, almost constantly in fact.  I love to jokingly refer to him as MY wing wan, not so sure he loves it as much.  But then I'm sure there are things he calls me that I wouldn't love so much, that is if he actually called me things besides "babe", which he doesn't.

Does he?

No he doesn't.

What did you hear?  Tell me now!

No, never mind, I know he doesn't. *Sigh*   I know him better than that.

If you heard anything let me know.

We had 2 beautiful girls and they are the reason I was born.  The reason I drag myself out of bed every morning instead of sleeping till noon.  The reason I try to learn to be a... Maid, Chef, Interior Designer, Handyman, Taxi Driver, Nanny, Gardener, Missing Shoe Locator, Web Administrator, Librarian, Coupon Clipper, Recycling Consultant, Window Washer, Doctor, Vet, Photographer, Baker, Event Coordinator, Hair Stylist, Pedicurist, Boo Boo Kisser, Shoulder to Cry On, Disciplinarian, Referee, Entertainer, Dragon Slayer... Mom.